Wall Dragons First of all let's start with the dragons and understanding what they do. Video Tutorial For those of you who like a video tutorial see the YouTube video link below to help you get the bow: YouTube Walkthrough video Otherwise, keep reading for the full text guide. This is a similar process to the Staff upgrade process in Origins. Each quest requires you to complete tasks using the bow such as setting distant objects on fire. Players can upgrade the bow to other forms: electric, ice.by completing a series of quests. The charged attack is more powerful of course but it consumes more arrows. There are two forms of attack: a regular fire attack (quick press of R2) and also a charged attack (hold down R2). You start with 60 arrows though which isn't bad for a Wonder Weapon. The bow is not an unlimited weapon and each shot consumes arrows. All will be revealed in this tutorial, helping you get your mitts on the bow weapon in less than 20 mins. Probably the hardest part is finding the locations of the dragons and knowing where to go after these steps. The Wrath of the Ancients is one of the new Wonder Weapons in Der Eisendrache and it's surprisingly easy to get as well.